Monday, June 30, 2014

GC-4 School Report - Summer 2014

Catch all the latest news, information, enrollment, calendars and much more in the Summer 2014 GC-4 School Report. Click here to view

Thursday, June 19, 2014

GC-4 Bond Projects - Summer 2014

The district is in the process of completing numerous facility upgrade projects throughout the summer of 2014. Projects will be taking place at the following GC-4 locations:

Grandview High School, CAIR, Central Office, Conn-West, Butcher-Greene, Meadowmere, Grandview Middle School and Maintenance

Click here to access the full portal.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

GC-4 Has Active Intruder Training for all Staff on 6.3.14

In response to Missouri Senate Bill 75, officers with the Grandview Police Department provided active shooter/intruder training to all Grandview C-4 School District staff June 3 inside Grandview High School. During the day-long exercises, staff participated in a number of possible active shooter/intruder scenarios.

Members of the Grandview Police Department, Grandview Fire Department and school district staff assessed each drill and provided results and feedback. “We wanted to talk about what went well and what areas needed improvement,” Rodgers said.

SB 75 requires all schools in Missouri to implement active shooter/intruder training programs. In April, several C-4 staff members and Grandview police officers took part in an active shooter training and drill development workshop, sponsored by the Center for Education Safety, the Missouri School Boards’ Association (MSBA) and the Missouri School Resource Officers’ Association, to prepare for the drill.

The City of Grandview Honors the GHS 2014 Track Champions

More on th 2014 GHS Track Champions: