Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Middle and High School Students Compete in Prep-KC’s Annual Math Relays

The Fifth Annual Prep-KC Regional Math Relays held at Grandview High School last weekend brought out hundreds of students excited about math.

Approximately 600 students from 22 schools (Center, KCMO, KCK, GV districts represented) competed in the event.

The relay put students to the test in a timed challenge to answer 20 questions in 15 minutes. Calculus students participated in an all-day Sigma marathon event and the winner took home a $500 scholarship.

Honeywell, Cerner, and KU were major sponsors of the event, which was initiated by Prep-KC.
Thank you to GHS Pro-Start who prepared breakfast and lunch for approximately 60 volunteers, test proctors, sponsors, and team coaches in the Hospitality Room. GC4 food service provided lunch to all student participants. Also thanks to the GHS A+ students who were able to earn mentor hours for working the event.

Congratulations to all of our Grandview winners listed below:

Algebra Team Relay, 4th Place - Grandview High School, Timothy Burks, Monteze McGregor, Zoe Reynolds, Elizabeth Rocha
Geometry Pre-Alpha division, 2nd Place - Grandview Middle, Chayanne Williams-Sandoval
Geometry Beta division, 2nd Place - Grandview High, Keyara Wilson
Geometry Gamma division, 1st place - Grandview High, Elizabeth Casey
Geometry Gamma division, 4th place - Grandview High, Ra'yanna Battles
Number Sense Pre-Alpha division, 3rd place - Grandview middle, Jordyn Osborne
Number sense Pre-Beta division, 3rd place - Grandview High, Vanessa Aceves
Number sense Gamma division, 3rd place - Grandview High, Luisa Dominguez
Number sense relay team, 3rd place - Grandview High, Jennifer Anderson, Elizabeth Casey, Ra'yana Battles, Luisa Dominguez
Data Pre-Beta division, 2nd place - Grandview High, Vanessa Aceves
Data Alpha division, 1st place - Grandview High, Isaac Daniels
Data Gamma division, 2nd place - Grandview High, Jacob Gardner
Data Gamma division, 3rd place - Grandview High, Zoe Reynolds
Data Delta division, 4th place - Grandview High, Brandi Gentry
Data relay team, 2nd place - Grandview High, Ashley Arthur, Ben Buller, Brandi Gentry, Jacob Gardner
Data medley team, 3rd place - Grandview Middle, Thomas Moy, Chayanne Williams Sandoval, Jessica Buller, Ana Chayre-Boyle
ACT Pre-Beta division, 2nd place - Grandview High, Fuechai Vang
Sigma Marathon - 4th place - Grandview High, Camille Wilson

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