Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thank you KCTV5, Missouri NEA and Kansas NEA for Honoring GMS Teacher with Read to Achieve Award

Grandview Middle School teacher Hannah Davis was honored with a $1000 check Wednesday. She won The
Read to Achieve contest, sponsored by the Missouri NEA and Kansas NEA.  

Missouri NEA President Charles E.Smith, KCTV5 News Anchor, Alexis Del Cid and Meteorologist Gary Amble visited Davis' classroom to present her with the check.  Ms. Davis was nominated by six of her students. Ms. Davis teaches eighth grade science at GMS and according to students who wrote about her, continued to teach as she fought cancer. She is one of eight deserving teachers in the greater Kansas City area  that will win the contest during the 2015-2016 school year. 

Missouri NEA is now accepting nominations for its "Teacher Words Matter Contest."  It's open to the community to nominate a teacher, coach, bus driver, or any other educator and tell them about the positive effective they've had on your life. The contest deadline is Feb. 1, 2016. Find out more at 

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